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The NHRA was founded by Wally Parks in 1951 as a means to get hot rodders
off the streets and onto legal drag strips. Once a club was accepted as a NHRA
club, they were issued a Charter, like the one issued to the Stockers Rod &
Custom club on the left. It is dated January 1, 1958 and was signed by Wally
Parks, President, and Wayne Horning, Secretary. After the Stockers Charter was
posted to this site, I received the Charter for the Dragoons. It too was dated
January 1, 1958 and has the same signatures. Both of these documents had a gold
seal attached to the bottom left hand corner.
The Charter for the Keystone Racing Team is dated January 10, 1963. Wally
Parks was still President but the Secretary was Robert G????
The "Charter Certificate" on the right was issued to the Sons of
Satan in July of 1963 but there are no signatures on this document.

Members of NHRA clubs could display this sticker on their

The clubs below were proud to be members and they added NHRA
to their plaques.