We sometimes get photos from people who know nothing about the plaque they
sent a photo of. Some examples are shown below and if you have information about
any of these plaques or where these clubs were located, please send an E-mail to
so we can get them listed on the proper pages.
A. S. A. C.
Anyone know what A.S.A.C. stands for? A. C. could be for Auto Club but where
is A. S.?
Is Bent an area or city, or could it be for Bent County, CO? Maybe it's
short for Bent Run Falls or Bent Creek, PA or is the name of this club
simply Bent Rod & Custom?
Could this be for a club from Nebraska when they used NB for the
abbreviation or a Canadian club from somewhere in New Brunswick?
Are the Time Machines a Custom Car Club or are they from somewhere that has
three Cs like Culver City, CA? Anyone know?
C & D
This Townsmen plaque has the initials C&D on it. Does C & D stand
for the names of two towns, or areas, or something else?
Who knows where this Timing Association was based? Where is C. V. and does
V. stand for Valley? The plaque appears to be the shape of Iowa.
E. C.
Here is a plaque for EC, but is that the abbreviation for the name of the
club or city name? Does CA stand for California or Cruising Assn? And who was
member Number 17?
Is this club from East Santa Monica, East San Marino or East S_______
Can you help fill in the blanks and do you know what an Oolee is?
G. N. A.
The graphic on this plaque looks like it could be a race car. Perhaps this
is a club in some kind of association with the initials GNA.
Hope someone knows what the MTA stands for on this plaque. There is a page
for the Mojave Timing Association in the Associations section. There are also a
couple of plaques on the Minneapolis page for MTA groups. Where was this MTA
N. O. L. A.
The person that sent this photo of the Down-Shifters plaque wasn't sure if
the club was based in New Orleans, LA or North Los Angeles. It has periods after
each letter so who knows for sure? Maybe they had chapters in New Orleans and
Los Angeles.
Anyone know why these two plaques with the same picture have different
locations? One says Arizona, and the other says Mesa (a town in Arizona). Were
these plaques for branches of the same club and was the club called The Nomads?
The graphic is a 55 Chevy Nomad.
After I received the above photos, someone sent me this photo of another
Mesa plaque with a Ford F-100 graphic. It has somewhat the same appearance but
I'm still not sure what these plaques are about. Do you know?
N. W. K. T. A.
I'm guessing this may be a club in the North West (Kansas or Kentucky)
Timing Association. Anyone know for sure?
P. P.
Are the initials P. P. on this plaque for Palisades Park, Pikes Peak or
Pacific Palisades, or are they the initials of the person who owned this plaque?
Maybe he was Past President of the Sons of Speed.
Anyone know of an area called Pistol Bird? The photo of this Grifters plaque
was sent to me by someone who also didn't know where Pistol Bird is.
We all know that R.I.P. means Rest In Peace, but do the initials on this
plaque mean something else?
Too many possibilities to list for SD. Anyone know where the Torrid Timers
were based?
Where is "The Village" or was it a car club? The W55 on one side
of the skull and SLA on the other doesn't give any clues. Maybe one of you knows
the answer.
Anyone have a clue as to where So Av. is?
S. O. C.
The photo of this Banshees plaque was taken at a car show in MI. Could S. O.
C. stand for Southern Ontario Canada or is there a town with those initials?
Another Timing Association plaque? Anyone know the meaning of STTA?
Can anyone put these clubs in their proper "Valley"? There is also
a small town named Valley in at least one state.
W. V.
Not sure what W. V. stands for. Could it be West Valley or West Virginia?